October Home To-Do List

With Fall in full swing in Pennsylvania, you are probably looking around your home and thinking that there’s a lot to accomplish before the cold, icy winds of winter make their appearance. Those leaves are starting their own pile in your yard, your patio furniture is probably getting used less and your veggie garden might be looking more brown than green. As you change your décor from the brightly colored summer blooms to the more muted tones of Mums and Pumpkins, you’ll want to squeeze these October Home Chores into the next few weekends of fun.

  1. Store Outdoor Furniture
    Although you may want to keep your fire pit going for a few more weeks, it’s best to get your patio and yard furniture, including your grill, unused planters and more, into a shed or garage. At the very least cover the furniture to keep the rain, sleet and snow from building up and causing rust and other damage over time. This outdoor décor can easily become a hazard when the winds pick up as well, so you’ll want to stow them away where they won’t blow over easily.
  2. Hideaway Your Hose
    While temperatures are still above freezing, you should drain your hose(s), remove them from the outdoor faucets and turn off the water to those faucets as well. If you leave water in your hose over the winter, it can cause it to burst when it freezes or create weak spots from the thawing and freezing that will occur.
  3. Inspect and Clean Gutters
    Falling leaves and blowing debris can fill your gutters with water clogging gunk. As the autumn rains fall, you’ll want to make sure that water has a clear path away from your home via the gutters and downspouts to avoid damage. If you’re comfortable doing it yourself, you can clear the clutter and then run a rose to rinse smaller particles and ensure everything drains properly. If not, call in the pros for the fall maintenance!
  4. Check Weather Stripping
    This chore is a bit tedious but can go a long way in your home’s fall and winter energy efficiency, keeping you warmer at a lower price point (hopefully) all season long. If your weather stripping looks worn or damaged, take a piece with you to the hardware store to ensure a perfect fit with the new one.
  5. Clean Dryer Vents
    A clogged dryer vent not only is inefficient, it can also be extremely dangerous. Even though excess lint can greatly increase your chance of fire in your home, this chore often gets overlooked. Be sure to empty your dryer’s lint trap with every use and ensure your vent pipe has an easy and particularly short (don’t snake it around corners) distance to the outside vent if possible. To be completely sure your vents are clean, you can call in the pros to clean out your entire length of your vent.
  6. Winterize Outdoor Lawn Equipment
    You may want to get your mower ready to be stagnant for the next few months by running out the gas, changing the engine oil, replacing air filters and spark plugs and sharpening blades. But you’ll also want to prepare your cold weather equipment like snow blowers or chains and plows for your riding mower.
  7. Plan for Spring Flowers
    You may have heard the phrase “fall is for planting”. While some gardeners are referring to their cold weather food crops, many are talking about spring blooms. The general rule is to plant your bulbs 6 to 8 weeks before the ground begins to freeze. While you’ll be setting yourself up for beauty when the earth starts to thaw and awaken after winter, you’ll also be able to enjoy the fall weather while you still get to play in your garden.

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