January usually brings the desire to clean-out, put-away and freshen-up your life. You can simplify the easy way by doing just a few small tasks at a time and following some basic steps. From taking the time to get rid of extra trash, going through each room and each drawer one at a time, you’ll find you just have extra “stuff”.
You can create “trash”, “donate” and even “sell” boxes where you can compile items you aren’t currently using and haven’t for a long time. You may find you have a few things that could make you some extra cash for a fun night out or weekend away! But even if you donate everything, you’ll know you’re doing good for people who may need it more than you.
You may find you start a few new habits too, in order to find time to get it all done. Try doing a load of laundry per day instead of facing a mountain of dirty garments at the end of the week. Maybe trade some tech time for family time and make going through old photos and toys a game that creates new memories for your loved ones.
There are many organizational checklists on-line that help those of us who tend to get off track when we start with good intentions, so you may want to use one of those. We found a great article on Houzz.com from Becky Harris. You can read it here for more easy-to-follow tips: