8 Tips for a Stress-Free Holiday

Ahh the holidays! A time for gift giving and celebrating… it can be joyous and fun, but it can also be oh-so-overwhelming.

We’ve compiled a list of tips and tricks to help you de-stress and focus on the real reason for the season.

  1. Have a game plan.

This one seems simple but makes a big difference. Be sure you get that list together of last-minute gifts, the grocery list and even the full menu or day- of schedule written out. Although you want to be flexible, this will save you from having to run back to the store for “one more thing” as well as help you remember what you’re taking to the family’s houses.

  1. Be realistic.

Creating a whole gingerbread house village complete with homemade gingerbread, icing  and fake snow seems like a great idea for making memories… but the kids can have just as much fun baking cookies or sipping hot cocoa or just decorating one small ornament. Don’t let the Instagram/ Tik Tok/ Pinterest world trick you into thinking you have to do all the things, make all the things and buy all the things to truly celebrate Christmas.

  1. Set boundaries and decline invites.

This goes along with being realistic. You cannot possibly attend all of the events, participate in all of the programs, volunteer at every fundraiser or even join all of the special people in your life for dinner in such a short time frame. If you have to say “no” to keep your sanity, then go ahead and do it. And maybe you can postpone some get-togethers for January, when the world gets kind of quiet and you need things to do.

  1. Don’t forget your healthy habits.

Trying to squeeze in all the fun of the holidays can often mean exercise gets put on the back burner and cookies end up being breakfast. Even though it’s cold, try to get a quick walk in, dance to some festive music with your loved ones, or take an extra lap or 2 around the store before you start your shopping. Having some easy-to-grab veggies and fruit will help, too. So go ahead and add those to that grocery list you’re making! And sunshine and fresh air does every body good; try adding an outside break during the day when the daylight is available on these short winter days.

  1. Budget your spending.

Set reasonable spending caps for yourself this season and you won’t carry the stress of paying it all off in the coming months. Thoughtful gifts don’t have to be expensive. Homemade gifts are wonderful too and you may even have items around your home that are waiting to be re-gifted to someone who will love them.

  1. Create cozy surroundings.

This is the perfect time to get out all the fluffy blankets, use all of your favorite scents like mint and orange and cinnamon, and have your favorite comfort food on hand. Turn on a holiday movie and get cozy.

  1. Take a break.

Now that you’ve created a beautiful cozy space, use it. You know that feeling of sitting in a room with nothing but the lights from the tree or the candles glowing? Do that! Take a few moments, or a couple hours, to just enjoy.

  1. Ask for and accept help.

If someone offers to watch the kids while you wrap gifts, take them up on their offer. Ask a family member to bring an extra side or dessert to dinner. Allow the kids to decorate. Appreciate the help and don’t worry about perfection!

As the holidays quickly approach, we hope you’ll be able to use some of these tips to take some time to feel joy and happiness during this beautiful season without any extra overwhelm or stress!